Friday, September 25, 2009

Introduction and Welcome

Today I begin to blog about a lifelong love of creating tasty plates! Seems every occasion in my life has called for a new recipe, or attempting to re-create a family favorite...and thought I would attempt to share those recipes and stories with my friends and family online.

You may wonder where the name comes from - Shon D'Amore Recipes...if you know me well, you will see the resemblance to my maiden name - Shonda Moore. Several years ago, when I was working for FoxValley Corp out of Wisconsin, I had to call in a weekly order for products - and over the years, we were finally computerized. When that happened, I started receiving confirmation of those orders - and the order taker (whom I had worked with for several years) noted my name as "Shon D'Amore" - sounded pretty smart and French - so, I decided then that would be my "pen name" for the day I found the time and energy to write.

Now, if you don't know me well - you will also need to understand that I have a strong southern drawl - and my name can become quite long when heard by folks unfamiliar with the Texas dialect! To be honest, just about everything I say becomes quite long and drawn out! You should have been around here as we tried to teach 2 young boys to spell - "sounding words out" was a nightmare around here! but, that is another story...

Since I am now attempting to write about my lifelong love of creating tasty plates, I decided the moment was appropriate to utilize my pen name! Besides, is sure expresses my love (amour) for creating and serving up some fantastic dishes...

So, here we go...let me know what you think! And, Be sure to share with me your favorite dishes and memories associated with them - I am always looking for a new tasty plate!

Love to you all!
Shon D'amore


  1. Shonda,

    This is a great blog. I will be back to hear more stories and D'more is a great pen name.
    This is really fun.

    Betty Moffitt

  2. I love your blog! I especially like the recipe from camp!! When my sister, Janet, and Vicki Price went to Girl Scout camp, our parents had to pick them up early because they whined so much and Vicki played sick!! They got home before the letter from Janet said "I want to come home!" with each word on a separate piece of paper!!! So glad you found a tasty recipe at your camp!!!

  3. Thanks! I have had so much fun digging through all the old recipe boxes, and talking food and memories with my family...seems only fair to share with friends!

    Summer camps were always the highlight of my year - church camp, girl scout camp, FFA leadership camp, MDA association - I had forgotten there were so many! My parents were so wonderful to all me that opportunity - tons of fun, and a great learning experience all the way around!
