Sunday, October 25, 2009

Greandmother Gibson's Strawberry Cake

Grandmother Gibson's (Johnny’s Grandmother – Ollie Gibson) Strawberry Cake

Lottie (Johnny's Mother, says that Grandmother Gibson would always tell, “Pam made the cake and "helt" out a teaspoon of strawberries - since she ate ‘em”! So, you may want to have extra strawberries on hand if you are planning on “holding out” of the recipe by eating some as you bake!

1 box of strawberry cake mix
1 box of strawberry jello
3 T flour
½ cup of frozen strawberries (today we used strawberry preserves instead)
¾ cup of Wesson oil
¾ cup of water
4 well beaten eggs

Mix all at once, and bake at 350 until toothpick comes out clean.

1 box of powdered sugar
1 stick of butter (softened)
½ cup of frozen strawberries, thawed – not drained...
(again we had to use preserves - and it turned out very good!)

Mix well, and ice the cake, and enjoy!
*I added a cup full of chopped pecans on top today! Yum!

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